Our association is open for everyone. According to the paid membership fee A- and B-members are distinguished.
- B-members are members of our association and of course have advantageous tariffs to our own activities.
- A-members are not only member of De Lambikstoempers vzw (with the same modalities as a B-member), but are also member of the national association Zythos vzw. Each trimester they receive the national Zythos-magazine “De Zytholoog”, and they receive an extra at Zythos events, such as the Zythos bier festival, and they have advantages on events which are organised by other local associations.
To become member of De Lambikstoempers vzw you have to transfer the membership fee to the account BE78 9796 5059 6886 (BIC: ARSPBE22) with indication of A- or B-member.
The membership fee (for the period of 1 year) amounts to:
- € 10.00 for a B-member resident in Belgium.
- € 25.00 for a A-member resident in Belgium with digital/paper De Zytholoog. (* € 30.00 if renewal of membership after 14/02.)
- € 55.00 for a A-member resident abroad with paper De Zytholoog. (* € 60.00 if renewal of membership after 14/02.)
- € 25.00 for a A-member resident abroad with digital De Zytholoog. (* € 30.00 if renewal of membership after 14/02.)
- Members joining after 31/08 are immediately also members for the following year.
If wish to have further information concerning the membership of De Lambikstoempers vzw? Mail to info@Lambikstoempers.be, we’ll help you with pleasure.
* The higher membership fee for those who renew their membership after mid-February is due to the additional cost charged by Zythos for the after-sales service of the Zythologist. This additional cost is the additional cost that bpost charges for follow-up shipments.
Hello from the USA!
Do you sell shirts or other merchandise?
Hi Joey, not for the moment, sorry.