Cuvée Lambikstoemper 2024 officially presented at Brouwershuis Brussel

Groepsfoto voorstelling Cuvée Lambikstoemper 2024

On Saturday 1 June 2024 we, De Lambikstoempers vzw, proudly presented our new Cuvée Lambikstoemper 2024 Old Gueuze in the Council Room of the imposing Brouwershuis, in the historic heart of Brussels on one of the most beautiful squares in the world, the Grand Place, in Brussels. This on the occasion of our 25th anniversary,

Besides chairman Johan ‘Wanne’ Madalijns, Fons Minne as representative of Zythos vzw, brewer Frank Boon as Honorary Member of De Lambikstoempers and former chairman of HORAL vzw, Sven Gatz as Brussels Minister and former director of the Federation of Belgian Brewers and Krishan Maudgal, current director of the Federation of Belgian Brewers as guest speaker also appeared.

From left to right: Frank Boon, Krishan Maudgal, Johan ‘Wanne’ Madalijns & Fons Minne.

During these various speeches, it became clear what important role De Lambikstoempers vzw has played in different areas within Belgian beer culture.

After the official part, it was the honour of chairman Johan ‘Wanne’ Madalijns to present and festively uncork the first bottle of the Old Gueuze Cuvée Lambikstoemper 2024.

Cuvée Lambikstoemper 2024 was self-composed by De Lambikstoempers vzw, beer tasting association Pajottenland – Zennevallei, at Timmermans Brewery in Itterbeek. For this, they went tasting on site three times (on 02/02/2023, 27/04/2023 and 21/09/2023).

This Oude Geuze (6.7% alc. vol. ) is a blend of 40% lambic from foeder 4 (brew 10/05/2023), 22.5% from pipe 214 (brew 26/03/2020), 24.2% from foeder 20 (brew 11/11/2019) and 13.3% from a Pinot Gris barrel (brew 24/03/2022), finally blended by the management of De Lambikstoempers vzw on 21/09/2023, bottled in December 2023, spontaneously refermented in bottle and festively launched on 01/06/2024, in a ‘limited edition’ print run of 2. 556 bottles.

The label is a design by Kristof Verhasselt and, with the permission of Timmermans Brewery, is based on the brewery’s 2023 restyled labels that stand out for their sobriety and a striking colour palette.

Santé Bère!

The Lambikstoempers asbl has put the text ‘Santé, Bère!’ on the label. A reference to the sudden death on 29 May 2023 of management board member Robert Mollaert, alias den Bére’, because he is still in the heart of every management board member.

Taste for yourself?

The Cuvée Lambikstoemper 2024 will be available for tasting at our Beer Weekend, on 24 and 25 August 2024 at CC ‘t Vondel (new location!) in Halle.

From 1 September 2024, our Cuvée Lambikstoemper 2024 will also be available through various outlets, including the Timmermans Brewery’s webshop, at a recommended retail price of €12.50 per bottle (75cl). More info to follow later!

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