Pictures: visit Anders! brewery

In 2014, De Lambikstoempers already visited Anders! brewery. But in the meantime this brewery grew enormously, was left and a new (and even larger) branch was built … just across the street.

So it was high time to take another look, we thought. And so we went to Anders! on Saturday 25th of January 2020 where Nicolas Volders, commercial manager, showed us around the malt storage, the lab, the raw materials room, the brewing room, the fermentation tanks, the filling line … and let us taste some of the beers they made. In short: it was another top visit!

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Pictures: Winter walk 2019

Traditionally, De Lambikstoempers vzw closes its working year with a brisk walk through the beautiful Pajottenland.

We left this time in Kester, after which we headed to Het Dravershof (Pepingen) for a rest / pee break and a tasty hot dog.

After the walk there were of course some beers and … genuine “Swallekes” and “Ludallekes”! 😛

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