February, the month of Toernée Minérale. The month in which many took up the challenge not to consume alcohol for a month…
Did we participate? No! Or maybe a little bit, because at this tasting we put low alcoholic beers in the spotlight. Together we judged a dozen beers on color, smell, taste and aftertaste, and we looked at what so little alcohol did with our tasting experiences. And what turned out? Those present felt that this was not immediately worth repeating!
If you taste blind (what De Lambikstoempers always do), you usually taste more intense. The general impression was that almost all the beers offered were somewhat ‘watery’ and the use of American hops (citrus / grapefruit) again took too much of the upper hand. According to all those present, the better beer was obviously the Schenenschopper of Hedonis (brewed at ‘t Verzet) or for those who love a stout, the Hello Darkness, My Old Friend of Brewery Angerik.
General conclusion: next year we organize a tasting of ‘heavy alcoholic beers’ during Toernée Minérale.
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