YES! It’s allowed again! On Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 august 2022 we are ready again to present you our Lambikstoempers Beer weekend. We are open respectively from 14h to midnight (on Saturday) and from 14h to 20h (on Sunday), at the beer center De Lambiek, Gemeenveldstraat 1 at 1652 Alsemberg (Beersel).
Again you will have the choice out of +100 of different beers, of which the main part are beers of spontaneous fermentation (going from non-carbonated lambic over Oude Geuze, to fruit lambic, Oude Kriek and so on). With this year a spotlight on: 100% Brussels beers!
Besides this you can enjoy tasty snacks, hopefully cosy on the sun terrace or not, while your children play on the bouncy castle or try out our colouring competition. And who knows, you might even win a nice prize in our big beer raffle!
The entrance is FREE!
ATTENTION! The Brusselsesteenweg in Alsemberg (close to ‘De Lambiek’) is closed due to road works coming from the direction of Brussels. Those who come via Halle/Huizingen/Dworp and the Winderickxplein can – despite the works – continue as usual.