Pictures: Visit Het Nest brewery

From beer tasting as a hobby to building a new state-of-the-art brewery in 2015! Het Nest brewery has an impressive and exceptional history. And yes, they know what they’re doing, as we could see ourselves during a tour of the brewery and while tasting a lot of their (tasty) beers, on 21st of october 2017. 😉

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Pictures: Tasting cheese & beer

The combination of beer and cheese is still not yet very common. However, this combination is often more pleasant and tasteful than the traditional “cheese and wine”. Together we searched which cheese best suits a beer, in order to create a harmonious whole in the mouth … We tasted 2x three cheeses and three beers, and tried to make the perfect combination, with the books of Michel Van Tricht and Ben Vinken as a guide. Yummy! 😉

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